About Me

I’m a collector of vintage and modern comics, sci-fi collectibles and outsider music and film. In recent years I noticed that my interests had become part of the group consensus of what is deemed ‘cool,’ so I decided to start blogging about them in an effort to educate and entertain the masses on all things Marvel Comics and Doctor Who.

See ma, all those books and tapes weren’t for nothing!

I’m a big fan of Steve Ditko, Bob Burden, 007 James Bond films, Jack Kirby and Joe Simon, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Akira Kurosawa, Billy Childish, Sergio Leone, The Cramps (and other garage rock), Mark E Smith, classic Doctor Who, Adult Swim, Warner Bros DC Cartoons, and other such things.

I spend most of my time watching cult films, old monster movies, Mexican Horror films and MST3K… who cover all those other things.

The only TV I watch, aside from cartoons, is on DVD from the United Kingdom, such as The Green Wing, Spaced, The League of Gentlemen, Adam Adamant Lives!, Jam, Peep Show, The Prisoner and Life on Mars. I have also been known to watch way too much of the old 60’s Marvel Comics ‘cartoons.’


Click to visit sci-fi comic website Zebramag.com

Educated in English Literature and Theater, I’m a regular reader of Philip K Dick and Mick Farren. I work in online advertising and am also the web developer and editor-in-chief of the science fiction anthology comic book site Zebramag.


Since moving to North Carolina, I have enjoyed the Raleigh art scene, the great beers of places like Tasty Beverage, the Carolina Theatre in Durham, The Rialto and The Colony in Raleigh and the many great comic shops such as Ultimate Comics and Foundation’s Edge and Chapel Hill ComicsCommunity Game Night at Motorco is also a great time.

I spend my days obsessing over life’s little distractions when I’m not spending time keeping up with my lovely son. Lately I’ve tried to break it gently to my comics and action figures that a new little man is on his way to more likely than not destroy them. Luckily they get along fine and no Daleks have been broken! It’s like Courtship of Eddie’s Father with more fuzz guitar.

I make every effort to update this blog on a daily basis, but t’s a labor of love and can be very exhausting.

I try my best to always link to my sources but if I slip up and you see an image or story that is missing a link, please let me know and I’ll make an update citing the source. I’m always happy to receive feedback so make sure to let me know what you think of my articles!

If you have any need to contact me, please use this page or post to an article.

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22 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I came across your blog today while looking for more blogs writing about vintage toys.

    I’ve just begun a countdown on my blog (which covers comics, toys, TV, movies and my artwork) called the “25 Toys of Christmas” where I list my 25 favorite childhood toys – leading all the way to Christmas Day.
    Here’s a link that you might want to check out: http://www.thebaboonbellows.com/

    BTW, besides being a cartoonist I’m a lllustrator/package designer for toy companies by day. In the 1980’s I worked at Hasbro and currently am working at K’NEX. Much of my Toy work can be found here: http://www.baboonbooks.com/

    I also just linked your blog, I figure anyone who’s a fan of Spaced deserves a link!

    Richard J. Marcej


  2. I grew up watching Doctor Who and Star Trek. I guess it had its effect. Now I’m a new science fiction author. If you’re interested, the first two titles of my Martian Symbiont series, ‘Been Blued’ and ‘Martian Blues’ are now available. There will be at least four books to the series.


  3. Woah! interesting blog… I have read your wolverine page, it’s very useful and interesting.

    (mind if we exchange link? you can leave your reply in my page, i hope a positive one… hehehe)
    by the way i’m a architecture graduate and currently working as apprentice. and love anime, and animation related stuff. such as marvel superheroes.

    cartoons has been a very important part of my childhood. I wasn’t allowed to watch x-men that time though, I was still a kid, and kids needs to sleep early.

    nevertheless, I’m amazed how marvel comics produce such interesting comics, with interestingly marvelous characters that had its own different story while coexisting in the big plot.


  4. Hi

    I was hoping we could use your ’scribing’ talent for our website.


    You blogged about Dollhouse which is one of our featured “BSwatch”
    shows. We’re looking to round up a few people who can occasionally
    contribute perspective (via an article/blog) on the shows – maybe a
    recent episode, future direction, plot shortcomings etc.

    What’s in it for you?

    Primarily a larger audience back channeled to your blog. We don’t pay
    but the site has a lot of promise and we’re pretty excited about getting it off the ground. Let me know what you think


    Tem M.T.
    Junior Editor


  5. So some questions for you.

    1) In the original series, they had episodes, The Two Doctors, The Three Doctors, The Five Doctors, and in the comic book they had the Seven Doctors. Do they think they should with the new series?

    2) Should they introduce Romana, the female Timelord?

    3) Any characters / entities from the original that you’d like to see?


    • Thanks for the comment. I appreciate the questions.

      I think that as a character Romana only really works with Tom Baker, to be honest. With any other Doctor it just wouldn’t be the same. Also, recasting her would be tough. I think it’s best to just let her remain in the history banks of the program.

      While I think Peter Davison was VERY impressive in his brief appearance with Tennant, a multi-Doctor story would be interesting but impossible. Given that none of the actors look even remotely like their Doctors anymore it seems like it will never happen. Maybe an animated adventure?

      As far as characters I’d like to see return, the REAL Cybermen would be fun and maybe the Silurians if the program could find some interesting story to tell with them. The classic series covered their return from a cryogenic sleep and their attempt to wipe out humanity with a nuclear war so I’m not sure what’s left. There was a great Virgin novel called Blood Heat in an alternate reality where the Doctor was not part of UNIT and the Silurians had transformed the Earth into a hothouse. That would be very interesting.

      Also, the Ice Warriors are supposedly coming back which I’m excited about. The Meddling Monk could be a lot of fun and can easily fit into the flavor of the new series. There are all kinds of great monsters that are waiting to be used if there’s an interesting story behind it. Y’know, one not involving reality TV or air pollution and GPS systems.


  6. Ah. Unless things have changed since RTD has left, Eccleston refuses to even talk about his time on Dr Who, so he’s out. I wager that with RTD gone, so is Tennnant as well. Unless he fails to make a name for himself after Who, I bet he’ll do his best to distance himself from it.


  7. Hey there. I liked your thoughts on the Red Hulk. I have no problem with the character, but instead with the way it was written.

    Anyway, I see you like horror movies, and I would like you to check out some of my art on my blog


    I draw all sorts of pop culture “Class Photos” and I even came in second place for Ratchet’s Brithday card contest.




    In answer to many in America and around the world who have been clamoring to see the sensational documentary THE DIABOLIKAL SUPER-KRIMINAL, their dark prayers have been answered! DSK, along with a few other rare films from the Euro Super-Kriminal genre will be screened on the web the week before Halloween!

    Mark Friday, October 22 & Sunday, October 24 on your kalendar and bookmark http://www.justin.tv/wolfcat7 on your web browser to see the fun and fearful films based on the ‘dark’ Italian comic books of the 1960s. The festivities last from 8 PM Eastern Standard Time and run late, late into the night! The screening also includes live chat, interaction with film and comics fans and useless trivia as the films are moderated by Mort Todd (Sadistik writer and producer of the DSK film).

    The movies of mayhem include:

    DANGER: DIABOLIK! (1968)
    KRIMINAL (1966)
    SATANIK (1968)
    KILINK: STRIP & KILL (1967)

    These are just some of the freaky films to be shown, along with other thrilling movie, trailers, music videos and other weirdness! October is HALLOWEEN HORROR MONSTERTHON time at http://www.justin.tv/wolfcat7 with rare and strange films will be shown all month… but don’t you dare miss the DIABOLIKAL FILM WEEKEND October 22 & 24!

    See more at http://www.comicfix.com


  9. Hi,

    I am one of the co-founders of mombo.com, a movie reviews and ratings site, as well as a personalized recommendation engine based on likes and dislikes of a user and their friends – all powered by people’s tweets which are automatically collected and analyzed by us. Here’s a draft of a Wikipedia article that describes the service as well as provides some references from people such as Evan Williams (Twitter co-founder), The Next Web, The Mumbai Mirror, etc: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mombo_Movie_Ratings_and_Recommendations

    We wanted to let you know about this service so you could evaluate it yourself and let your readers know about it if you like it. Also, would love to hear your feedback and suggestions.

    Ram Singh


  10. I’ve got a question for you.

    Future villains for Green Lantern movie sequels.

    Star Sapphire.

    Do you think they should go with classic Star Sapphire with the gem or current Star Sapphire with the purple ring?

    On the one hand, I think the audience could relate better with the purple ring, but they would have to introduce the Yellow Ring for Sinestro first so it might be overplayed.


    • good question, actually. It’s hard to tell what direction they’ll take but given that they’ll be introducing Parallax in the first film, they are aiming high.


  11. Hey… I just noticed that Comixology dropped the prices of all the “New 52” DC first issues to 99 cents. I know you reviewed a bunch of titles a while back, so I was curious to see if you had any recommendations on ones to try. I’m not going to try them all, but at 99-cents I figured it might be worth trying a sampling. In spite of my “digital will not replace real books” sentiment for most of my adult life, I’m finding that I kind of like digital comics and eBooks. There’s no replacement for the high-quality hardbacks on my shelf of my favorite stuff… but I’m liking the convenience of having a bunch of comics at my fingertips on my iPad wherever I go.


  12. Hey, Jameson. I though I’d visit this page…ooh interesting! No, I thought this might be an appropriate place to ask you if you are looking forward to Ivan Reis taking over from Jim Lee on Justice League? I’ve not noticed any comic book reviews here recently are you still as enthusiastic as you were? I expect you have been too busy to get to do any reviews of that kind. I meant what I said elsewhere about you getting published in Outside In (even if I went on to critique the other books Robert Smith? has edited, you know me, I can’t help myself especially when it comes to much Modern Who. My Brain It Is Strange), well done, buddy.


    • Cheers. Yes, I have still been reading comics. I dropped a number of titles out of necessity including the atrocious Justice League series. I’m not sure that it can get any worse! I was very happy with the new Hawkeye title and AvX has been satisfying as well. Batwoman is still a strong series and Daredevil remains astounding. Iron Man is awesome. I have fallen way behind on FF/Fantastic Four, Thor and Journey into Mystery. Incredible Hulk should include a digital apology in each issue.


  13. Ha! Get on it Marvel!
    I refrained from anything uncomplimentary to you about Justice League because I thought you might still be reading it (I um dropped it after #2 twas too dreadful for me!), good to see you think it excreta. You are Wise, Young Jedi ;).
    Have you been able to get the latest Avenges Versus X-Men? From what I’ve read about it it looks like two of my favourite characters are in for it in different ways. Noooo! Glad you’re enjoying it tho’! What will Marvel Now’s future hold?! The Waid Hulk sounds promising while John Casady on Uncanny Avengers should be fine (but it’s… Bendis… Hmm. Read something where he invoked Shakespeare while talking about himself. Funny. I don’t think Moffat would do that!), so, interesting.


  14. I found your blog by accident after tracing a picture I’d taken of Tom Baker on Google images. I was very pleased to see that you’ve made good use of it. I was also pleased that I recognized you from one of the Doctor Who documentaries. However, I would have liked a photo credit. (by Mark Young – “Who on Earth is Tom Baker” book signing: 1996).
    I took the photo, along with a whole reel of other ones whilst inside a small cupboard office in the bookshop in Charring Cross Road, during a radio interview.


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