Star Trek- The Doomsday Machine Revealed

“They say there is no devil… but there is… right out of Hell… I saw it.”

Written by Norman Spinrad
Directed by Marc Daniels
Transmitted October 20, 1967

Captain Kirk finds the USS Constellation adrift in space. At the helm is a shattered Commodore Decker, a fractured shadow of the mighty commander he once was. The ship is vacated except for Decker, who claims that the crew had been left to survive on ‘the third planet’ while he chased down a mysterious planet eater. When Kirk reminds Decker that there is no third planet, Decker disintegrates into tears. The monstrous creature, the doomsday machine threatens all life and seems impervious to damage.

And damaged as he is, Decker is determined to destroy it.

Part of the second series of Star Trek, The Doomsday Machine is a space epic exploring the devastating power of this future world where men and women explored the deepest reaches of the universe, encountering unimaginable beings and universes.  This threat is all that remains from an intergalactic war, a device designed to end all conflict through superior firepower alone… something so powerful and deadly that it is described as coming ‘straight from Hell.’ Neither entirely mechanical nor living, the ‘planet eater’ consumes everything and anything in its path from spacial debris to space craft to planets themselves. Completely unmanned, it is on a path of destruction that includes the planet Earth.

A harrowing and startling statement on the futility of war, the Doomsday Machine is a message to the audience at the time who lived against the hopelessness of thermonuclear war.


The Doomsday Machine Revealed is a fascinating documentary that delves into the initial script, designs and other aspects that make this one of the most memorable of the classic Trek episodes.

The Doomsday Machine Revealed Trailer

Due to the delay in the releasing of this film, offered here is a look at the early demo concept. (Please excuse the errant photo of Sol Kaplan at the conclusion of the music segment—-actually Gerald Fried). This cut is not representative of the final version in terms of format, sequence, topics, visual FX, etc. Please forward this video to those you feel may find it interesting; further exposure will only help the cause towards a final version being completed and released, including an intended series of other ST episodes to be “revealed”.
My thanks to Eddie Paskey and Norman Spinrad for their contributions.

This film was premiered at Polaris 26, Toronto, ONT.


Star Trek: The Complete Original Series

Titan Merchandise Star Trek: Captain James T. Kirk Mini Bust

2 thoughts on “Star Trek- The Doomsday Machine Revealed


    September 14, 2013 by dailypop
    “They say there is no devil… but there is… right of Hell… I saw it.”

    Written by Norman Spinrad
    Directed by Marc Daniels
    Transmitted October 20, 1967

    Captain Kirk finds the USS Constellation adrift in space. At the helm is a shattered Commodore Decker, a fractured shadow of the mighty commander he once was. The ship is vacated except for Decker, who claims that the crew had been left to survive on ‘the third planet’ while he chased down a mysterious planet eater. When Kirk reminds Decker that there is no third planet, Decker disintegrates into tears. The monstrous creature, the doomsday machine threatens all life and seems impervious to damage.

    And damaged as he is, Decker is determined to destroy it.

    Part of the second series of Star Trek, The Doomsday Machine is a space epic exploring the devastating power of this future world where men and women explored the deepest reaches of the universe, encountering unimaginable beings and universes. This threat is all that remains from an intergalactic war, a device designed to end all conflict through superior firepower alone… something so powerful and deadly that it is described as coming ‘straight from Hell.’ Neither entirely mechanical nor living, the ‘planet eater’ consumes everything and anything in its path from spacial debris to space craft to planets themselves. Completely unmanned, it is on a path of destruction that includes the planet Earth.

    A harrowing and startling statement on the futility of war, the Doomsday Machine is a message to the audience at the time who lived against the hopelessness of thermonuclear war.


    The Doomsday Machine


  2. W-a-y b-a-c-k in 1968, I saw “The Doomsday Machine” on STAR-TREK. War protesters protested, politicians got us deeper in debt and closer and closer to thermonuclear war (when I was little they called it Atomic War, that was before we had the superbomb – thank you Edward Teller). I mention his name here because he actually purposed a “doomsday device” to avenge all of us 100,000,000,000.00 fallen citizens who would die in such a conflict. Never was such madness better protrayed than in TDM and Dr. Strangelove, or…., the episode was well written, directed and acted. The special effects were as good as could be for the time period. I wonder how good they are in the Star-Trek upgrade and on blu-ray DVD? My mind boggles at the thought of such a nightmare unleashed within our galaxy. Here’s an idea (are you listening J.J. Abrams and Paramount) ???? Use this episode as the basis for one of the new trek films!!!! Anybody else interested in seeing this on the silver screen?

    I’d go see it!



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