Do the clothes make the (super)man?

The thoroughly post-modern Superman of 2012

The costumes that our iconic funny book heroes wear are as important as the deeds they perform or how well they stack up against other heroes. I’m not a big fan of Stephen King, but the argument of who’s stronger; Popeye or Superman interests me. It of course falls flat when one contender is a swarthy spinach munching seaman and the other a flying god-like being with his underwear on the outside of his pants (pre-52).

... it was the 70's. Don't judge.

That said, there have been several versions of editorial attempting to expand the fashion sense of Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Thor, each with their own set backs.

The Mighty Thunderstrike (Thor in the 90's)

Azrael, Batman in the 90's

Mike Deodato's biker-chic Wonder Woman

The Future Foundation Spider-Man costume

Superman Re/Superman Blue (let's call the whole thing off)

There was also the catchall solution of the 1990’s, the leather jacket. It actually made a come back in 2000, so don’t be surprised if the new Defenders start sporting Members Only coats.

Jackets... (The Avengers make a statement)

... Jackets... (Fantastic Four - Fashion Victims)

... Jackets (X-Men)

But nothing can prepare you for laundry day gone wrong when a rushed bachelor superhero finds that his long johns have become mixed in with another hero’s uniform… with awkward results.

Click on the image for more!

The return to the designs that made these heroes so impressive back in the day seem to arrive in cycles, made all the more noticeable when Hulk wears biker shorts or Superman sports a mullet. It begs the question, if it ain’t broke, why try and ‘fix’ it? Does anyone yearn for the Iron Spider costume or the all-body thong outfit that Thor rocked back in the day?

What’s your take? Should the heroes stick to what works or have there been some successful experiments that challenged the status quote (such as the black/white Spider-Man suit)?

8 thoughts on “Do the clothes make the (super)man?

  1. Well, though I first knew Spider-Man in his iconic union suit in Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, the 60s Spider-Man cartoon, and the 70s live-action series as well as the first issue of Marvel U.K.’s Secret Wars reprint I saw, I then read comics with him in the black-and-whites and it worked for me because the design was good. I actually thought it was a pity that they nixed the idea of him using both suits because it would be “confusing”. It’s more likely they were worried about their commercial partners, when surely they’d make *twice* as much money from people wanting *both* versions in terms of action figures or what have you? Now I’M confused! Yes, the black/white costume is an example of a good alternative costume in my eyes.
    As for changes to Superman’s costume to make him more “realistic” how fricking ridiculous, he’s a superbeing! Getting rid of the red trunks is really gutless. I doubt it’s attracted multitudes who were put off by having to use their imaginations.
    The ’90s saw some hilarious and dumb costume designs, remember the FF’s jackets? The influence of Lee and Liefeld made superfluous pockets all the rage and the Azrael-Batman was a subtle (?) mockery of that. As you say Supes suffered various indignities but now Nightwing has more feathers than a Vegas showgirl. That said Iron Man has gone through various suits, many good, some bad. And not all the Hulk’s pants are purple.


  2. Ha Ha, Fantastiche! Oh yes that FF cover reminds me that the jackets were not the silliest thing about that era for Marvel’s First Family, yep it’s Sue dressed as a pornstar with no taste and Benjy with a silver bucket on his head… Wrong in Sooo Many Ways. And then the X-Men caught the fever in the 2000s (I kinda liked Animal Man’s jacket n costume ensemble though :)).
    That Toni Morrison novella is so sad she wrote it with the Incredible Hulk piano theme on in the background. Have you read those other seminal pieces – Some of Batman’s Cowls Are Pointier Than Others, I’m Dick Grayson As Robin I Didn’t Wear Pants and 90s Superheroines: Sometimes They Wore Thongs. Moving Works.


  3. Swarthy means dark skinned, Popeye is quite pale. If in doubt of the words you use perhaps I can point you to the Internet, where all manner of facts can be found.


    • Too bad tact, good manners and grammar are not also found on the net (why refer to the possibility that you can do something if you are then going to go ahead and do it? Are you a magician?). Thank goodness there are folks like you who are willing to drop everything and fix the problems they encounter online. Where would we be without your constant vigilance?

      Too bad you had nothing to add to the conversation as well (too weighty? too topical? not related to anything that interests you?), but that would likely put far too much of a stress on your resources no doubt dedicated elsewhere.

      Thanks for the pointer and your email address (you are aware, of course, that you don’t have to make a snide comment AND provide your information as well, right?).


  4. Edna Welthorpe? And there I was thinking Joe Orton had been bludgeoned to death by his mad gay lover in the ’60s, will wonders never…
    Well, I suppose the dead have to find something to occupy themselves. Such as putting the world to rights…or correcting a piddling mistake in a humorous weblog post. Now we’ve given you the attention you crave, you may commence self-pleasuring. Oh, and one more thing Mr Funk and Wagnall’s – do Piss Off, there’s a good chap!


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