Howard Chaykin at the 2011 NCComicon

This year’s NC Comicon was a vast improvement on the already sterling effort put forth last year. The dealer’s room was great (though I missed out on some keen comic book pint glasses) and the talent in attendance was first class.
When I saw the list of attending creators one name jumped out at me, but I never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to have more than two words with Howard Chaykin. In fact, I squeezed a few in through his colorful rants on local food, TV and… other subjects. It really made my day.

I have been a fan of Howard Chaykin’s since I saw American Flagg advertised for the first time. Stumbling upon his Shadow mini-series I learned that Frank Miller may think that he’s hardcore but he has nothing on Mr. Chaykin. His more recent art on Blade (criminally canceled) and Avengers has been incredible and delivers a kind of modern slapstick that would only occur if Michael Mann and the Marx Brothers worked together. It’s great dirty fun.

Howard Chaykin’s aforementioned stint on the Avengers introduced a fore-runner to the Avengers formed by Dum Dum Dugan and Nick Fury back in the late 1950’s. The unlikely team of Namora, Sabretooth, and Kraven the Hunter was a hit and hot the comic fans hungry for more. The goods were delivered in the follow-up mini-series follow-up Avengers 1959.

I got a few minutes with Mr. Chaykin and looked like a total loon as I laughed myself into a state at speech that would make a sailor swear off drink. Wildly entertaining and a totally approachable creator despite his monumental reputation (the man worked on the initial adaptation of Star Wars!), I heartily endorse his endorsement for his work.

But ten copies of Black Kiss and send them as stocking stuffers to your family.

(please remember that I do not get any referral fees from sales purchased from links on my blog, I’m just suggesting some worthwhile material)


Avengers 1959

American Flagg! Vol. 1

The Shadow: Blood & Judgement

The Art of Howard Chaykin HC

One thought on “Howard Chaykin at the 2011 NCComicon

  1. That was a fine story, Jameson. It’s always good when a personal artistic turns out not to be an ass! Howard Chaykin’s American Flagg! was one of the great 80s comic books (when HVC was writer/artist that is, accept no substitutes) and remains pretty fantastic. Who could forget Mark Thrust Plexus Ranger?! I remain reading an installment of The Shadow in a British reprint magazine (which, if I remember correctly, also featured Animal Man) it was particularly memorable for a page in which a character got his head blown off through a keyhole (shades of Dario Argento’s Opera!) and a scrawled “Leonard Nimoy is Lamont Cranston*”, heady stuff. Chaykin’s work from that period in particular verily kicketh ass. You might like to check out the archives at The Savage Critics website as critic JohnK(UK) is a big fan of Mr Howard Victor Chaykin (as he amusingly refers to him); he recently penned an appreciation of Black Kiss while Mr C has been known to show up in the comments at least once.
    P.S. There’s no need to assure people that you receive no referral fees, it should be clear to anyone that your recommendation came from naught but passion for the work.
    *As we all know it was Alec Baldwin not Spock/Paris who became Lamont Cranston in the not-very-good-yet-enjoyable Shadow film.


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