Doctor Who’s BAFTA Award-winning Steven Moffat on the seventh series and more

An already successful writer due to previous work such as Coupling, Steven Moffat won a Hugo award for his two-part adventure ‘The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances’ for the first series of the BBC Wales Doctor Who revival. He went on to become something of a fan favorite in Doctor Who as viewers looked forward to his contributions each series. The Girl in the Fireplace, Blink and Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead also went on to earn raves from critics and fans alike.

Outside of Who, Moffat developed Jeckyll and a modern adaptation of Sherlock Holmes with fellow Doctor Who writer Mark Gattis. Today he is the man in executive producer and head writer for Doctor Who, now entering its eighth year on TV since it returned in 2005. Moffat introduced Matt Smith as the latest Doctor, a bold move at a time when fans had associated the program with David Tennant and were threatening online to ditch the series without their favorite actor on the screen.

Since his taking over Doctor Who, the program has exploded into new-found acclaim and healthy rating figures. While I crowed the excellence of his first year, I have found a substantial decline in the quality of the writing in the series for his second. With the focus moving away from the Doctor and more attention directed to the characters created by Moffat; time-tossed rake River Song and newlyweds Amy and Rory Pond, I started to worry that the program was losing interest in the lead.

The new series will be the most daring (and riskiest) yet.  The Doctor will stand alone against a universe of troubles and continue what could be the longest reign as the Doctor since Tennant’s three 1/2 year run (personally I count it as four, but most fans seem to think that the specials do not count as a series).  Could Smith be the most popular Doctor yet? Could this year erase the errors of the last?

Well… let’s look at what’s on the docket.

  • For his third outing, Moffat will not only say farewell to the Ponds, but also introduce a new companion.
  • The latest series will also open with the most ambitious Dalek story to date, rumored to be titled The Ruins of Skaro, which boasts the return of every Dalek design on screen.
  • The seventh series will have a much larger episode count.
  • Despite his decision to shy away from classic monsters, not only will the Daleks be back, but other classic monsters may also return such as the Yeti and Ice Warriors.
  • The seventh series will also culminate in a 50th anniversary special, something that has not been attempted since 1983 or 1993 (if you have a strong stomach).

Below is an excerpt for the interview centering on Doctor Who details.

Moving on to Doctor Who – how was it bidding farewell to Karen Gillan (Amy) and Arthur Darvill (Rory)?
“Oh, it’s incredibly sad. The thing you can forget about this is, while the audience are losing people that they see for a few months per year, Karen and Arthur are walking out of something that they’ve been involved with every day for years. It’s not just a professional change, it is a personal upheaval.

“I’m trying not to say it’s like being dumped, but a huge part of your life changes. I think of Karen and Arthur, and from Matt [Smith]’s point of view – people that you saw every single day and have become absolutely part of your de facto family are now gone, never ever to be in that place in your life again.

“So it’s a huge upheaval – it’s personal and it’s human. People should not underestimate how upsetting it is for everybody involved in it. I don’t mean ‘upsetting’ in the sense that it’s a tragedy – it’s not a tragedy! But it’s a huge bloody change – it’s someone moving out of your house, that’s how big it is.”

There are going to be five Doctor Who episodes in the autumn, then a Christmas special, then eight more in 2013 – what was the thinking behind that structure?
“I don’t know, on this occasion, that the thinking particularly came from me, actually. I’ve always been open to anything that shakes [the series] up. I think that decision actually came from the BBC.

“But I’ve been well up for anything that we can do to shake up the transmission pattern, the way we deliver it to the audience and how long we make the audience wait, simply because that makesDoctor Who an event piece.

“The more Doctor Who becomes a perennial, the faster it starts to die. You’ve got to shake it up, you’ve got to keep people on edge and wondering when it will come back.

Sherlock is the prime example, as far as that goes. Sherlock almost exists on starving its audience. By the time it came back this year, Sherlock was like a rock star re-entering the building!

“So keeping Doctor Who as an event, and never making people feel, ‘Oh, it’s lovely, reliable oldDoctor Who – it’ll be on about this time, at that time of year’. Once you start to do that, just slowly, it becomes like any much-loved ornament in your house – ultimately invisible. And I don’t want that to ever be the case.”

There’s been a lot of secrecy surrounding the new companion – when can we expect to learn who Jenna-Louise Coleman is playing?

“Christmas! But don’t expect to learn everything! We’ve got a good story and there are some proper legitimate surprises in it. I’m excited by it. I think we’re going to do some fun stuff.”

Are you hoping to conceal the companion’s identity until the Christmas special actually airs?
“We can’t really contain everything, because people will crawl all over us with cameras and sneak views of scripts and call-sheets. Something will get out. But we’ve been fairly sly, so let’s wait and see.

“Again, a lot of the audience that I talk to specifically avoid any spoilers and I’m absolutely certain they have a better experience of the show. As I’ve always said, if I could make it on the dark side of the moon, I would, but you can’t do these things.

“i got pilloried by somebody at some deep level of naivety about the industry – they were angry that I’d revealed the fact that Amy and Rory were even going to leave! But y’know, actor’s agents really do have to advertise their client’s availability – I had no choice but to announce they were going to leave. But in an ideal world, you wouldn’t even do that.”

And are plans for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who under way too?
“Yes, they are. I had a meeting about that earlier in the week!”

Via DigitalSpy

Get ready for Doctor Who series 6

Jaw-droppingly cool full-length Doctor Who Series 6 trailer
(tip of the hat to Doctor WhoNewsSite)

The BBC Wales series of Doctor Who is set to return in just a few weeks and fans are all agog with anticipation. I have to admit that I’m a bit humored by the article referenced below referring to the press coverage ramping up as the UK press never really stops promoting Doctor Who.

There are some spoilers and such in this piece, but on the mild side. At the conclusion of the article are links to sources that have far juicier details and come highly recommended. I’ve tried to stay in the dark this year as an experiment so I can view the program with fresh eyes (or at least less-jaded eyes).

BBC begins promoting new series of Doctor Who

The BBC has begun promoting its upcoming series of Doctor Who, which is due to begin broadcasting over the Easter weekend in the UK and North America.

The Impossible Astronaut, starring Matt Smith, will be broadcast in the USA and UK on Saturday, 23 April. It’s the first of a two-part story – written by Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat (Sherlock) – which was filmed in Utah last year. Though not yet confirmed, episode two, Day of the Moon, is thought to be scheduled for broadcast on Easter Sunday (24 April).

Radio Times Extra, a monthly sister publication to the weekly Radio Times listings magazine, features Matt Smith in its April issue, out today, highlighting the new series of Doctor Who as one to look out for.

Doctor Who series 6 Trailer via DoctorWhoTV

Writing in Radio Times Extra, Alison Graham says, “After a surprisingly powerful and moving Christmas Day episode [A Christmas Carol, also by Moffat . . .] Smith returns for two chunks of Doctoring – seven episodes in the spring and another six in the autumn.”
Graham has nothing but praise for the new series: “Since taking over from Russell T Davies [Torchwood], Moffat has injected renewed verve into the series, while Smith is a triumph.”

Earlier this week, the BBC broadcast an Internet-exclusive prelude webisode, which revealed “a little of what we can expect from the adventure . . . and what the Doctor will be facing”, via its Doctor Who website. The mini-episode was written by Moffat and starred Stuart Milligan (Jonathan Creek) as President Richard Nixon.

Elsewhere, the BBC has begun broadcasting on its channels a number of short trailers from the new series in general and the opening story in particular.

Meanwhile, a Twitter exchange between several of those involved in the production of Doctor Who – Moffat, Neil Gaiman (writer), Edward Russell (brand manager) and Richard Clark (director) – has revealed a significant plot twist to the series, which, according to Moffat on the Doctor Who News Page, would “change the way you see Doctor Who forever forever – and that’s a hand-on-heart promise”.

Read more:

I have refrained from posting rumors and such on Doctor Who series 6 as frankly other sites are doing a great job at this.

Here are a few tidbits on upcoming episode titles/details:


Episode 1 and 2: ‘The Impossible Astronaut’/’Day of the Moon’ by Steven Moffat. Directed by Toby Haynes- filmed in Utah, featuring River Song and the Doctor from two time lines.
Episode 3:  TBA by Steve Thompson. Directed by Jeremy Webb- involving pirates, possibly a siren of the sea.
Episode 4: ‘The Doctor’s Wife’ by Neil Gaiman – set on an alien graveyard, rumored to include elements from the 1968 story The War Games.
Episode 5/6: ‘The Rebel Flesh’/’Gangers’ by Matthew Graham (‘Fear Her’)-rumored to deal with cloning, possibly involving Sontrarans and Cybermen.
Episode 7: ‘A Good Man Goes to War or His Darkest Hour‘ -by Steven Moffat. Directed by Peter Hoar. Images revealed show Amy Pond bearing ‘tally marks’ in a spooky house and a new monster/enemy called the Silence. Cybermen, Silurians and Sontarans rumored to be featured. The cliffhanger promises to ‘change the Doctor forever. Speculation involves the Doctor getting frozen ala Han Solo in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Apparently Character Options have already showcased toys based on this scene.

Series 6 part two
Episode 8: TBA (‘A Good Man Goes to War or His Darkest Hour‘ part two)
Episode 9: ‘House Call or Night Terrors‘ by Mark Gatiss (The Unquiet Dead, Idiot’s Lantern)- featuring very scary dolls.
Episode 10: ‘The Green Anchor’ by Tom Macrae (‘Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel)- no details
Episode 11: ‘The God Complex’ by Toby Whithouse(‘School Reunion,’ ‘The Vampires of Venice’)- featuring guest-star David Walliams (Little Britain and numerous Doctor Who Big Finish audios)
Episode 12: TBA– by Gareth Roberts (‘The Shakespeare Code,’ ‘The Unicorn and the Wasp’ and ‘The Lodger’) the Cybermen and Cybermats return along with James Corden and Daisy Haggard (both last seen in ‘The Lodger’).
Episode 13: TBA- by Steven Moffat- tying up plot threads from Rebel Flesh/Gangers and the ‘A Good Man Goes to War or His Darkest Hour‘ two-parter.

Images of upcoming episodes can be seen at DoctorWhoTV, lots of details are to be found at where any hope of remaining in the dark can be dashed to bits. Both of these sites have so much information including casting announcements, videos of location shooting, on-site audio recording and more. Make sure to visit these sites if you want to know more as they are the authorities on Doctor Who Series 6.