Amazing Spider-Man trailer leaked

Somehow another ‘leaked’ trailer has emerged for a comic book movie. The Avengers trailer I posted yesterday is long gone, so make sure to view and share this one as quickly as you can.

The trailer is very impressive and touches on the tragedy of Peter Parker losing his parents, something that the Raimi trilogy side-stepped. We see Parker as a moody and awkward teen who is pitied by his friends and stumbles upon a scientific breakthrough during a visit to Curt Connors’ lab. Bitten by a radioactive spider, he is changed. Rather than showing the new Spider-Man from the point of view of a roving camera leaping around him, we are instead given an astounding first person POV as Parker pounces around the rooftops of Manhattan, only obtaining a view of the hero when he leaps in front of a mirrored building.

A newcomer to directing action drama, Webb has stated that there will be less CGi work in his Spider-Man film and more live action stunts, giving the movie a different feel than the previous versions. I’m pleased as punch that the web shooters are back and look forward to seeing what the Lizard will look like on the big screen.

Webb is looking to make the Amazing Spider-Man more grounded in reality, as he told I09:

“One of the things we tried to do was keep the stunts more grounded physically and that was a huge challenge because you have a character whose abilities are superhuman. How do you do that in a way that’s convincing and real? … We spent months and months and months developing rigs so he could swing in a way that wasn’t computer-generated. Obviously there’s going to be enhancements and CG [sequences], but it’s based in a physical reality and that’s a new technique. When you walk out of the theater, I want the world you see to resemble what you saw on the screen. Part of the joy of cinema [is that] you make the impossible look real. I wanted it to be more grounded and more realistic and that went for the emotion of the scenes, the physical action and wardrobe. It’s less based in Steve Ditko world and probably closer visually and more influenced by ‘Ultimate Spider-Man,’ but it is also very much a world of our own devising.”

This version of Peter Parker is far nerdier and more withdrawn than the one we had seen played by Toby Maguire which is good. Nothing against the previous trilogy but if you are going to re-boot a franchise make some changes. Having seen Andrew Garfield in the Red Riding trilogy, I’m impressed by his acting chops and know that if he is given good material he will shine and own this part.

The Amazing Spider-Man, directed by Marc Webb, opens July 3, 2012.

(note: I promise to get back to ‘real’ content shortly)

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