Trust me, I’m the Doctor

David Tennant is gone, the rest is the future. For the first time since William Hartnell was replaced with Patrick Troughton, the rules have been changed and we are facing the beginning of a bold new era.

More below:

Described by incoming series producer Steven Moffatt as “old and young at the same time, a boffin and an action hero, a cheeky schoolboy and the wise old man of the Universe,” the persona of Doctor No. 11 is the latest chapter in one of the longest ongoing stories in television sci-fi.The Northhampton-born actor and former footballer, Matt Smith is the youngest actor ever cast to play the role on TV at 26 years of age. Having made an impact on the stage with his performance in Party Animals, he impressed Moffatt enough to win the coveted role of Timelord, taking the reigns from 37 year-old David Tennant who had played the part for 4 and a half years.

Former Coupling scribe Steven Moffatt has made quite a positive impression with fans of Doctor Who thanks to his stand-out scripts that have marked his association with the new Doctor Who series since it began in 2005. The Hugo Award winning script The Empty Child, The Girl in the Fireplace, Blink and Silence in the Library are all excellent stories and have held up the tradition of compelling and scary adventures. When the official fifth series begins this coming Spring, viewers are hoping for more of the same from Moffat as he takes over the program. Rumored stories hint a revival of a classic monster the Ice Warriors, the Weeping Angels from Blink, an adventure with Winston Churchill, and of course the return of the Daleks.

… thoughts?

One thought on “Trust me, I’m the Doctor

  1. I am very much looking forward to the Moffat Era. While I am not as critical of the RTD era as are you, I agree with a lot of your basic criticisms. There is little doubt that the “End of Time” underscored the fact that it was time for RTD (really, the previous series’ finale did that) to go and while I liked Tennant in the role, and would have liked to have seen him directly under Moffat’s guidance, the snippets of Smith as the Doctor do not concern me.

    Really, having been a fan since Tom Baker, I have gotten used to the idea of regeneration and don’t fear new Doctors.


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