Justice League casting continues

With the Internet and comic shops around the Nation a-buzz about the upcoming Justice League film, everyone wants to know who will play what super hero.

The follow-up announcement that it will be a cast of relative unknowns baffled many, and really put a kink in the rumor mill.

Nevertheless, we dream on.

Last week word was that Teresa Palmer was to don the red white and blue bikini of the Amazon powerhouse Wonder Woman. However, Australia’s Daily Telegraph recently announced that it is not Teresa Palmer, but super model Megan Gale (pictured left).

Oh good… a super model. How can that be a bad decision?

Tyrese Gibson is still in the running to play Green Lantern, but Common says he isn’t interested.

So far it looks like Ryan Reynolds will play the Flash, but even that is dubious news given the possibility that it may refer to the Flash solo movie.

So it looks like a solid casting announcement is still something for fans to dream about.

It looks like we’ll have Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Green Lantern (John Stewart) as characters for sure.

Personally, I’d like to see Tom Welling as Superman for one thing and casting Lucy Lawless as Wonder Woman is just a no-brainer to me, despite her age.

For Batman and the rest…

Who would you cast as the Justice League of America?

According to comicbookresources.com:

“Warner Bros. are confident that filming on the ‘Justice League’ movie will commence unabated regardless of the WGA strike. Casting is allegedly “100% locked,” the cast can’t talk about it, but an announcement is coming this week.”

4 thoughts on “Justice League casting continues

  1. Wonder Woman = Lucy Lawless, some 15 years ago.

    Tom Welling is a really clever (and continuity) suggestion for Superman. I would of never thought of that…good one.


  2. My Fantasy cast for the JLA movie based on responses i’ve read would be:

    Clark Kent/Superman= Tom Welling
    Bruce Wayne/Batman= Christian Bale
    Diana/Wonder Women= I still gotta go with Jessica Beil (sorry)
    Jon Stewart/Green Lantern= Michael Jai White
    Aquaman= Daniel Craig
    Oliver Queen/Green Arrow= Paul Walker or Matt McCanoughey (please excuse the spelling errors)
    Wally West= Has to be Ryan Reynolds
    Hawk Girl= Estella Warren
    Jon Jonz/Martian Manhunter= Djimon Hounsou (human form)


  3. Hmm.. Well, the obvious choices for Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman would be Welling or Routh, Lawless, and Bale, as for GL, I’d like to see David Boreanaz. Martian Manhunter would have to possibly be Phil Morris, just because I have no clue as to whomelse to choose. That’s about all I can come up with.


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