Casa Negra

Viewed only by the black and white photos run in magazines such as ‘Famous Monsters,’ these Mexican Horror flicks were legendary for ages. Featuring unique cinematography and storylines involving the undead and time traveling cursed hammer-tongue equipped brain eaters… they promised everything a growing boy ever wanted.

Thanks to Casa Negra, these films have recently been restored and are available on DVD for the first time. With commentary from expert horror historian Michael Liuzza, the films are a gift to fans of schlock horror and a true rare glimpse into the past.

The Black Pit of Dr. M is a unique film in that it is regarded as a classic and completely unfit for the ‘schlock’ label which many of the other films share. A story of damnation and fate, The Black Pit of Dr. M is every bit as bizarre and brilliant a film as La Belle et La Bette by Cocteau, complete with an inspired use of light and camera work which presents a dreamlike quality throughout the entire work.

Black Pit of Dr. M (aka Misterios de Ultratumba)

Boy favorite ‘Brainiac,’ is a hilarious film about a baron who swears vengeance upon his betters who sentence him to death as a witch. Hundreds of years later he returns as a charismatic man who sucks the brains out of his victims when their backs are turned. Adding to the impact, he often hypnotizes the victim’s spouse into a helpless witness to the event.

The movie can be watched with or without the awful dubbed English… which ofcourse adds to the charm. The films were hastily dubbed in English by K Gordon Murray in the 1950’s to meet the demand of horror hungry youth too hopped up on goof balls to notice the strange dialog.

Brainiac AKA El Baron Del Terror

In addition to these wonderful films, Casa Negra has released a host of others, including these two…

The Curse of the Crying Woman

The Witch’s Mirror

With the Halloween season fast approaching, these DVDs should find their way to your home theater system.

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