Lucas Arts announces Star Wars: 1313

On June 1st, Star Wars 1313 was announced as the latest Lucas Arts video game. It is shrouded in secrecy, but here’s what we know and what we think we know…

Set on Coruscant, gamers will be in control of a mysterious bounty hunter as he delves into the deadliest of places, 1313, so named for its location from the planet’s core. A third-person game, Lucas Arts is hoping that the more mature aspects and the edgier game play will attract a new audience. From the sneak peek, the graphics and environments look astounding. A lot is riding on the success of this game as Lucas Arts has been silent since 2010 when Force Unleashed II was released.

It’s unclear to me when this is set in the Star Wars timeline, but I am guessing it is post Revenge of the Sith.

There’s a strong feeling among fans that this will be a stand-in for the Joe Johnston Boba Fett solo movie that he wanted to direct after Captain America: The First Avenger, but as so many details are still unknown, that’s probably supposition.

My guess is that there’ll be an Easter egg Victorian steampunk Boba Fett level… finally!

Here’s a walk through with the development team from GTTV.

Exclusive GTTV Pre-E3 special

Viewers will get the first glimpse of actual game play on Monday night, but for now details are scarce.

More will be revealed at the official website:

Gameplay video update: