Doctor Who Big Finish- The Marian Conspiracy

The Marian Conspiracy

Story 06
Written by Jacqueline Rayner
Released March 2000

“Of course an execution is an excellent day out… take the kids, they love it!”

I had initially skipped around the Big Finish series and heard the Apocalypse Element, wondering who this flippant older companion was. Evelyn Smythe of course has a strong fan following amongst fans of the extended ‘Who universe. While I of course have a sweet spot for monster stories, I adore pure historical Doctor Who adventures. From Marco Polo to Reign of Terror and even the late 80’s attempts that inserted science fiction elements. Whereas the BBC Wales Doctor Who series seems unable to understand the point of tales set in established history and use the occasions to include historical figures as celebrity guest-stars. Another point that escapes the Wales team in the regard to historicals is that they are inevitably about the Doctor adhering to the time line and refraining from becoming part of established events or altering what must happen.

Writer Jacqueline Rayner understands what makes an historical adventure work and the Marian Conspiracy excels in providing complicated plots that not only tempt the Doctor to take a part in history but also put him in jeopardy as well. Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor is renowned for his intelligent and worldly manner tempered by an egocentric attitude. On screen this often came off as a bit camp and crass but he has found a new legion of followers in the audio format. New companion Evelyn gives the Sixth Doctor a run for his money by being almost as self-opinionated and sure of herself, spouting a stubborn streak and an indefatigable character. She’s what many call ‘brassy’ and I can certainly see why listeners like her.

The Marian Conspiracy opens with the Doctor discovering that Evelyn Smythe is a walking temporal anomaly. Taking her back to Tudor England, the Doctor seeks an audience with the Queen while Evelyn rubs shoulder with the locals by the pub… where she discovers the date after causing a catastrophic faux pas by raising a glass to ‘good Queen Bess’ long before Queen Elizabeth took the throne.

As the Doctor attempts to find the much-needed answers to the temporal anomaly, he becomes wrapped up in local politics. Placed in an awkward position, the Doctor is very fond of Queen Mary, but cannot support her overzealous mission to burn heretics at the stake. Meanwhile Evelyn introduces hot cocoa to her new friends only to find that they are involved in a dangerous plot. Both soon find that they must tread carefully to maintain the web of time but not too

A straight forward and sensible adventure, the Marian Conspiracy is like a step back in time to the Hartnell era when Doctor Who was as educational as it was entertaining. It’s a thrilling and smart story that appeals to a specific kind of listener, so I can fully understand fans of the monster story dozing off to this one. But for fans of the Smugglers and the Massacre of St. Barthlomew’s Eve, it’s an ideal offering. The quality of the material from the voice acting to script and soundscape (music and background sound effects) wrap the ears in a lush world of history and atmosphere.

Not a thrilling high adventure entry, the Marian Conspiracy is nonetheless a superb story and the beginning of a lovely friendship between the Doctor and Evelyn.

Doctor Who – The Marian Conspiracy can be purchased at local retailers such as Mike’s Comics and online from Big Finish.

Read other Big Finish reviews at the Daily P.O.P. here.